Upcycling plants
In case you didn’t already know, we recycle – or rather, upcycle – residues of Zollinger plants to make natural cosmetics that are heavily infused with botanical ingredients.
The seeds that you buy actually represent only a tiny part of the plant - there’s still quite a lot left of the plant once the seed has been taken. That includes leaves, petals and stems – and they are packed with substances that are great for your skin.
We used to compost those parts of the plant here at Zollinger…but over the last 2 years that ‘waste’ – which actually contains a lot of substances that benefit our bodies – has been reused to make premium-quality natural cosmetics under the ZiZAN!A brand.
From our field in Valais to your hydrating cream
In order to be used in our ZiZAN!A cosmetics, the ‘plant waste’ has to be transformed through extraction.
The most-often used extraction method is maceration – a traditional process that involves placing selected parts of the plant into a liquid to extract the active ingredients.
An example is the manufacturing of our flax extract that you’ll find in our Hydraboost Hair Revival solid shampoo, our Happy Hands hand cream, and our Hydraphoria face cream.

The maceration process
The process is as follows:
1. Gather the organic flax flower seeds from our field.
2. Sort the sprouted seeds – unfortunately, only 60% of the seeds sprout. The others are edible, but these do not meet the high quality standards and cannot be sold. We then clean them and put the unsprouted seeds to one side.
3. Maceration of unsprouted seeds in an aqueous base to form an extract that is packed with valuable elements.
4. Filtration of seeds and incorporation of liquid into the cosmetic manufacturing process.
It should be noted that the creation of a plant extract requires approximately one year of testing, including extraction tests and dermatological tests.
Every extracted ingredient is carefully checked by a toxicologist to ensure that the extract complies with regulations.
Once all these stages have been completed, we can then register our ingredient with the official cosmetic ingredients database.
Certified active ingredients
At present we have 6 certificated active ingredients at ZiZAN!A, including:
Organic Nigella Damascena (or ‘Love-in-the-mist’): an innovative ingredient that we really make the most of in our organic gardens. It has scar-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, and checks skin ageing. We have filed our extract ingredients with the Register, making it unique and exclusive!

Holy basil, or organic Tulsi: widely acclaimed for its anti-infection and purifying properties on the skin. It is frequently used in Ayurvedic medicine, particularly to boost self-confidence and help discover your potential and achieve your goals.

To find out more about the upcycling of our plants, watch our live-broadcast replay with Tulipan Zollinger by clicking here or below: