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Protecting your skin from the sun

Hurrah for holiday time! of course, you shouldn’t forget the essentials you need to keep your skin properly hydrated and protected from the sun during the day. But how can you tell the difference between all the sun protection products available? There’s organic sun cream, mineral sun cream, biodegradable sun cream…well, luckily we’re here to tell you all about it. Follow our advice !

Why protect your skin from the sun?

Over-exposure to the sun means that you’re more likely to end up with pigmentation marks, burns, premature ageing, and other skin-related problems - including cancer. So, it’s vital that your skin is protected with the help of sun cream and other prevention measures.

Sun cream (which comes in the form of cream, oil, and gel) with a high enough sun protection factor will protect your skin against the dangerous effects of the sun’s UV rays. Don’t forget facial sun cream for the face, too!

Remember that sun cream does not offer 100% protection, and using sun cream doesn’t mean you can be out in the sun for a long time !

Different kinds of sun protection

There are two kinds of sun protection: chemical filter protection, and mineral filter protection. These filters can be combined or used on their own in sun creams.

Chemical filter sunscreen is absorbed by the skin and penetrates into the deepest layers.

Depending on the skin type, it can often trigger allergic reactions or irritations and is therefore not recommended for use on children, sensitive skin, or allergy-prone skin. Chemical filter sunscreen absorbs UV rays and transforms them into heat to neutralise them. It takes 20 to 30 minutes for chemical filter sunscreen to start working once it has been applied.

Mineral filter sunscreens form a physical barrier on the skin’s surface that refract the sun’s rays rather like a mirror.

These are often made of a zinc dioxide or titanium base – substances that enable the UV rays to reflect off the cream and not penetrate the skin. They protect against both UVA and UVB rays, and start working as soon as they are applied.

Which sun cream shall I choose?

Mineral sun cream is recommended for skin that is sensitive, allergic to the sun, or reacts to the sun. It is also suitable for use on children. Different kinds of mineral filter sunscreens exist, including biodegradable sun cream and organic sun cream. These can leave white marks on the skin though, so chemical filter sunscreens might be a good alternative for skin that is less sensitive to the sun, and for people looking for a more pleasant application experience.

Then there is the sun protection factor - this is an important element of your sunscreen decision. The higher the SPF, the better the protection. A cream with a SPF of 50 will block 98% of UVB rays, whereas a SPF30 cream will block 95%. That might not seem like a big difference, but SPF50 is far more effective, so we would recommend SPF50 for everyone – especially if you have light skin.

What to do during and after exposure to the sun

While you are exposed to the sun you should make sure you apply cream every two hours, especially after going into water or if you have sweated a lot. Cover your skin evenly while in the shade wearing a hat, glasses and protective clothing. And, of course, stay out of the sun between midday and 4pm !

The skin is completely dehydrated after you have been in the sun! That’s why the first thing you should do is to drink lots of water and apply a hydrating or after-sun cream with an aloe vera base.

Our first ingredient, Aloe Vera

Organic aloe vera is known for its moisturising, healing and anti-inflammatory properties

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If you have caught the sun, you should assess the extent of the burn first of all. In extreme cases, see a doctor. If it’s a superficial burn then freshen up the skin with clear, cold water, and apply aloe vera gel - it will feel refreshing and will help your skin to heal. Also, avoid being in the sun for the next couple of days to give your skin the chance to recover.

Bonus: How can I maintain a tan while also protecting my skin?

To maintain your tan, remove the dead skin using a natural body scrub with a coffee ground base twice a week. For the face, we would suggest you go for a gentle scrub, such as our brand-new Seeds of Glow.

Put that together with a hydrating cream, and you’ve got the perfect routine – and you’ll get to keep that glow all the way through to autumn !

So now you know everything you need to know to enjoy sun protection throughout the summer – and beyond ! Use sun protection all year round, including in winter time !

Seeds of Glow, a unique 3-in-1detox gel that cleanses, exfoliates and nourishes the skin

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