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Want to become a ZiZAN!A tester ?

We need your help! Would you like to test our products? Good news! For the first time at ZiZAN!A, we're inviting you to be part of the creation of our products. Take part in product tests to help us develop the best products ! 

How it works ?

1.  Register via our form and complete the questionnaire

2. If you are selected, you will receive an email from us

3. Test our new products now

Register now

Comment ça marche ?

1. S'inscrire via notre formulaire et remplir le questionnaire

2. Si tu es sélectionné, tu recevras un mail de notre part

3. Teste nos produits

S'inscrire maintenant

Wie es funktioniert ?

1. Registriere dich über unser Formular und fülle den Fragebogen aus

2. Wenn Du ausgewählt wirst, erhältst Du eine E-Mail von uns

3. Teste jetzt unsere neuen Produkte

Jetzt anmelden

Our bestsellers

Swiss Clean Beauty

Developed in Switzerland with local ingredients

Upcycled Plants 

Precious ingredients upcycled from our organic garden to avoid food waste


Cruelty free and no animal ingredients ! 

We care

Sustainable, minimal and recyclable packaging

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