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Loyalty program - Share and win !

 Share your personal code with your friends, family or colleagues and try to win one of the 3 ZiZAN!A 100CHF gift cards.

Your friends, family or colleagues will receive a 10% discount on their first order.

Win a 100CHF ZiZAN!A gift card

How it works ?

1. I share my code with my friends, my family and my colleagues

2. My friends, my family and my colleagues place an order and receive -10% on their first order

3. Every time your promo code is used on an order worth more than 30CHF, you'll automatically be entered into the competition* 🎁

*The competition for a chance to win one of three ZiZAN!A gift vouchers worth 100CHF runs from 28 July 2023 to 30 September 2023.

Swiss Clean Beauty

All our products contain organic ingredients from our garden

Upcycled Plants

Precious ingredients upcycled from our organic garden to avoid food waste

Short Vegan Formula

The less ingredients, the better! And of course, no nasties!

Fast Delivery

Your order is shipped in 1-2 working days with Priority Mail


Use your personal code and share it with your friends, family or colleagues. Every time your promo code is used on an order worth more than 30CHF, you'll automatically be entered into the competition* 🎁

The competition for a chance to win one of three ZiZAN!A gift vouchers worth 100CHF runs from 28 July 2023 to 30 September 2023.

Your code can be used as many times as you like!

A few examples of messages you could send
